I've loved North Beach for 6 years now.  I took a job in Oakland, and after having 6 days of living in a hotel on the waterfront in Oakland, having nearly no human contact, and running short on cash, I moved to a hostel not far from North Beach, and immediately fell in love.  I loved all the bars, I loved the crazy shit that happened, and the crazy people that lived.  I would go out to the bars every single night with people from the hostel 'til all hours, and then drag myself out of bed at 7am to catch the BART across the bay.  Last time Liz and I went to San Francisco, we spent a great time at a hostel in North Beach, and spent every night going to the San Francisco brewing co, having beers and conversations with people, or going to City Lights bookstore, and buying way too many cool books.  This is a fitting tribute to North Beach

North Beach forever | Salon.com


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07 December 2006