In the administrivia Category:

So in an odd turn of events, I had two requests last week for improvements to the webmail system on folkwolf, and a co-worker showed me the new versions of the same program. So I decided to upgrade the webmail program to the newest version. To upgrade just the libraries that run the webmail program would have been a major chore. Luckily Chris's housewarming party was last night, so I went over to chris's with the brand spanking new Fedora Core 3 CDs, and put the CD in and proceeded to upgrade, thereby taking the server and unfortunately, as Adrian pointed out, the map to chris's new house, just as the party was starting. Sorry to everyone who was looking for directions to Chris's party last night.

But I did manage to upgrade the server last night. and I managed to upgrade the webmail program this morning it is at and you can also get to it by clicking on the link on the left.

Coming Soon: Calendar and todo list support, because Jamie asked for it.


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16 January 2005